Under All Is The Land hosts Courtney Poulos, Dominique Madden and Silke Fernald discuss the awkward start to 2025, set intentions, and get the year off to a late start! The nation is experiencing change, are you uncomfortable? How are you setting your intentions? What observations are you making about where you are with work/life balance, setting boundaries, and reconnecting with yourself? Is it time to go back to flip phones? It’s a trend! Join us as we shake it all out! Recommended by the Hosts:
Email #UnderAllIsTheLand podcast hosts at hello@acme-re.com or DM on IG @acmerealestate
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Get More From The #UnderAllisTheLand Hosts:
Courtney Poulos, Broker/Owner: ACME | @courtneyinlala
Silke Fernald, Broker Associate: ACME | @desperatelyseekingsilke
Dominique Madden, Broker Associate: ACME | @niqueknowshouses
About Under All Is The Land
Under All Is The Land features the brokers of ACME Real Estate, based in Los Angeles, CA, talking straight, no holds barred, about the business of the real estate. Courtney Poulos, Silke Fernald, and Dominique Madden will provide news, tips, tricks, comedic relief and more. Whether you’re in real estate, looking to become a sales agent or broker, or simply love to peek behind the curtain, this is your moment to get a peek behind the curtain of the industry from a female POV.
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