Domino: The One Feature a Pro Stager Always Paints to Attract Home Buyers

Kirsten Blazek knows that nice furniture only goes so far when you’re selling a home, so when the founder of A 1000x Better is asked to stage a space, she comes prepared with a list of light renovations, and painting is always nonnegotiable. “It’s about getting people to make an emotional connection with the property,” says Blazek.

Crisp white walls or a contrasting trim is often all it takes to capture a buyer’s attention (plus, these simple fixes make for better real estate photos). Blazek’s latest staging project, a just-listed home in Los Angeles with a celeb pedigree, is the perfect example of how far a fresh coat can go. Here she shares five ideas for getting your soon-to-be-sold space in shipshape.


Cari Field’s listing is featured on Domino. Read more here.

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